Cognitive Training

PACE brain training works!

PACE improves one’s ability to process and use sensory information to function well in everyday life. It is scientifically based and asserts that training procedures can change and improve the mind and its mental structure by retraining cognitive skills and processes. These skills are retrained through a series of tasks designed to meet specific goals. The tasks are related, make repetitive demands on a deficient skill, and progressively increase in difficulty. This is a process-specific approach to training (as opposed to a general stimulation approach).

Studies show that mental skills are modifiable.

PACE works to modify the mental processing needed for learning and life. Numerous studies show this modification is possible. Review a sample of studies supporting that a wide range of cognitive skills can be – and have been improved.

PACE training sessions are intensive.

PACE is a one-on-one program that is fast-paced and intensive. Trainers provide constant feedback as the students progress through sequenced levels. Each procedure is graded according to difficulty, and tasks become progressively more complex. Pace is regulated by mastery, so the number of tasks completed during training differs from student to student. In other words, once the student passes a task, they are then allowed to progress to the next challenge (and more complex task).

Students love the PACE challenge!

What is the PACE Strategy?

First, a comprehensive Cognitive Skills Assessment allows us to identify any problem areas in cognitive skills. Then, we develop a customized plan to target and strengthen those weak areas. Students work one-to-one with a certified brain trainer, doing intense mental exercises that stimulate the brain to make lasting changes in how it performs. By working personally with each student in this manner, we are able to keep the progress fun and motivating while challenging students to work at the edge of their abilities.

Pace Training Develops:

  • Attention

  • Auditory Processing

  • Comprehension

  • Logic & Reasoning

  • Memory

  • Planning

  • Processing Speed

  • Visual Processing

The PACE program includes pre- and post-assessments using the Gibson Test of Cognitive Skills and 34 hours of intensive one-one training. The ideal session frequency is two to three times per week. However, we mold session scheduling to work for each family.


Educational Therapy


College Prep