College Preparation

Navigating the High School to College Transition


Congratulations on your college acceptance! You are embarking on an exciting and brave new journey, and you are now the captain of your ship! Starting college involves organizing and keeping track of many moving parts, including learning about your new school, navigating the campus, registering for classes, collaborating with multiple offices, meeting with your advisor, buying books, arranging your living situation and meal plan, setting up a self-care routine and study schedule, meeting new friends, and possibly registering with your campus disabilities office. Whew, that’s a lot!

Sage Learning Solutions is ready to join your college transition sailing crew!

We help students develop independent living skills through one-to-one in-person or Zoom sessions. Session focus may include:

  • Campus navigation and “office spotting”

  • Identifying and connecting with campus staff supports

  • Academic and personal schedule construction and implementation

  • Majors exploration and class schedule design

  • Setting up dorm or housing and meal plans

  • General executive functioning skill building

  • Motivational and critical skills coaching

  • Functional oral and written communication skills shaping

  • Connecting with disability services to complete the process of securing ADA accommodations


Congratulations on your child’s college acceptance! This is often an exciting and daunting time in a family’s life, as there are so many details to manage, and your child is now an adult in charge of making their own decisions. Whew, that can be an overwhelming thought!

Sage Learning Solutions can help you and your college student navigate the murky waters of the college transition process.

Through in-person and Zoom meetings, we help students transition from high school to college through one-to-one coaching sessions. Sessions are tailored according to each student’s specific needs and focus on building essential executive functioning, fostering self-confidence, and establishing routines and systems for independent living.

Sessions take place in-person and via Zoom.

Please contact us to discuss how we can set your student up for success.


Colleges and universities must provide students of all abilities access to all academic and extracurricular programs, services, and activities as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), as amended.

Every campus has a disability or access office primed to work collaboratively with the campus community to remove barriers and promote an engaging learning environment where students with disabilities can utilize their skills to pursue and attain their academic and personal goals.

As such, students with disabilities need to take the first step and register with the disability/access office to obtain reasonable accommodations.

Accommodations are adjustments that allow students with disabilities equal access to educational opportunities. Accommodations are not intended to alter or lower expectations or standards of course offerings or assessments. Instead, they are designed to assist students in learning the same course material and achieving the same learning outcomes as their peers who do not have a disability.

Reasonable accommodations may include:

  • Extended time for exams

  • Alternative settings for exams

  • Test Reader

  • Test Scribe

  • Interpreter

  • Alternative accessible textbook format 

  • Note-taker or assistive technology for note taking

  • Permission to use a recording device​​

  • Course load modifications

  • Excused medical absences

  • Housing accommodations

    Sage Learning Solutions is stellar in helping students set up accommodations!


Cognitive Training


Mindful Learners